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The most important advertising or promotion of a business web site can cost NOTHING and is possibly the very best to bring people to the web page.
Furnish a Internet address or link and watch the traffic build.
As soon as a business web site is published the inclusion of the URL right along side the phone number is mandatory. A business should not list a phone number without listing a web site address right along side.
Newspaper ads, telephone books, business cards, physical location signage, mailings, invoices, receipts every piece of paper listing the business name and phone number need the web site address prominently included. In fact special promotional efforts should be directed just to announcing the business web site and extra service available online as a new and unique feature of the business.
Reviewing expectations for the new Internet presence know that it will serve have many purposes:
+ Build brand recognition
+ Announce special sales
+ Present new offerings
+ Acquire new costumers
+ Retain existing customers
+ Reaching beyond the local area to build profits and make more money.
Get prepared for more exciting, interesting and enjoyable work of turning the web site into additional income and profits.
Visibility is Vital to your web site and e-commerce success.
Visibility-Boosting Tips
*Use words relating to your product or service with information and pictures
on your web site.
*Don't clutter your message make it clear and readable.
*Link other sites to you, use Networking to feed you traffic.
*Use Titles and Hi-Lites....Color and illustrations *Avoid "sales talk" stress facts and user benefits.
*Don't expect visitors to find you, seek visitors and take advantage of
free options to bring traffic to your web site.
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All material herein © "2006-2010" Harvey Akeson Tucson Calling"
Reprint right by permission: harvey@harveyakeson.com