Thursday, May 27, 2021

A business without a web site is like having no telephone.

Once you have establish a web site for
your business client your next step for additional
income is promoting the web site.

FLASH..BREAK in for extra special offer!
HURRY CLICK You will be able to build a collection of interlocking
local business web sites through an online networking
group. Linking non competing businesses together
for additional traffic and link exchange will drive
popularity for your built web sites.
(Enhancing Search Engine ranking)

Recapping: Earning extra income building a
home-based business producing web sites for
local merchants.

Every business unless, of course, their business
is going out of business sales,or "close outs"
needs to match up with today's technologies
just to remain competitive.

The competition may not have a web presence yet,
but surely they will soon. The local businesses that get
out front and build a web site will see their income soar
and costs decrease to connect their business.

To mention just a few of the needs for a web site:

+ Marketing Campaigns
+ Instant Pricing Changes
+ Knocking down area barriers
+ Lower Communication Costs
+ Customer Retention
+ Valuable Extension of Business
+ 24/7 Saves Labor Costs

Once again these are just a few of the reasons to
present a case to a local merchant for the need
and the value of a Internet web site.

Earlier an article pointed out the many avenues
to promote a business web site right along with
the normal course of business activity at NO COST.

Today having a business without a web site is
like starting a business without a phone, it won't

Every tool of communication is mandated and cost
must be factored into the mix. The answer of course
is building the web site as soon as possible for every
business and expanding into this additional avenue of
conducting business.

Additionally another article a list of promotions to
build traffic to the web site and short discussion of
Search Engines was outlined for exposing a web site.

The benefits to working a web site's presence across
the Internet and at the same time expanding services
for additional monthly income for the web site manager
was covered.

One to two hours a week promoting and building
traffic to a web site will increase income and enhance
the value of having a web site for the business and
repay the cost. A web site needs to be fresh, content
rich and easy to maneuver for the customer.

Store promotions will come in many ways and available
at different times, seasonal or tie-ins with national
campaigns will provide extra work. Importantly they
all can be handled in a few extra hours a month and
extra income.

Brand building with banner ads placed around the
web will be another exercise for earning money and
drawing attention to the local business, the web site
creating more business.

Experience and growth of local web sites will find
options for purchasing and bartering banner displays
between merchants.

Buying banner impressions is the easy part, the
profitable and savvy cost effective way will be to
exchange banner space on other local merchant
web sites. Controlling and building several web sites
in a local area adds even more potential for income.

Exchanging small amounts of space between web
sites not only makes sense but allows mutual
optimization of the Internet presence for everyone.

Just as for any exchange club or networking group
keep the linked businesses compatible but not
competitive so will the web site managers.

Create your own unique banners

Banners can be designed as part of a home web
site managing activity or subcontracted to another
professional, either way the various sizes and shapes
need to be exploited for different circumstances
and placement.

The need will be to maintain the theme and color
scheme to present the best opportunity for brand
building and business name recognition.

All material herein © '2007-2021
"Harvey Akeson Tucson Calling"
Reprint right by permission: